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22nd June Medina, Saudi Arabia

Rohingya in Saudi Arabia

The Rohingya people have been violently persecuted by the Myanmar government, which calls them “non-natives” because they are not Buddhists like the Burmese majority. Thousands had to flee for their lives. Some of them have gone to Saudi Arabia for refuge. The first Rohingyas went to Saudi Arabia in 1948, according to The National.
Where Are they Located?

According to an article in The Guardian, recent Rohingya refugees in Saudi Arabia are kept in prisons awaiting deportation. These prisons are in the cities of Mecca and Jeddah. Some have jobs in these cities.

The Saudis do not know where to send these refugees since they are not welcome in Myanmar (where they came from) or Bangladesh, which borders Myanmar. Men are kept in separate prisons from their wives and children. They are only able to talk by phone. Some were trafficked to Saudi Arabia by using fake passports from either India or Bangladesh. Others have come to Saudi Arabia for erratic low-paying jobs provided by unethical employment agencies. Some take odd jobs.

Few recently arriving Rohingyas are given citizenship in Saudi Arabia, so they are always in danger of being deported. Since they are not citizens, their children cannot attend regular schools. They have to attend charity schools established by Saudi donors. Those who have been in Saudi Arabia for many years have a much better chance of obtaining citizenship and employment.

Prayer Points

Pray for the Rohingya people to find safe refuge in Saudi Arabia and other nations.
Pray for them to find jobs and schools.
The Rohingya people have very little chance to hear that Jesus Christ offers them much more than they could ever imagine. Pray for the Rohingyas in Saudi Arabia to be reached by the Lord through dreams, visions, and through Christian materials on the Internet.

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