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24th May Amman, Jordan

Jordanian Arab in Jordan

What Are Their Beliefs?

The state religion in Jordan is Islam. Nearly all of Jordanians are Muslim. The great majority of Arabs practice Sunni Islam. Shi’ites living in the East make up the remainder. Christians account for a small percentage of the population, but the largest churches are Orthodox and not evangelical. There are also a few small Muslim groups who desire to see a more extreme Islamic government. The Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood is gaining support in Jordan. This is an illegal political organization who are known for terrorist actions and violence against Christians.
What Are Their Needs?

A Muslim who professes faith in Jesus can lose his family, his honor, his job, or even his life. Evangelism among Jordanian Arabs is challenging due to strong law, religion, social customs and tight family ties.

A few Jordanian Arabs attending a church service are tolerated, but when the number increases, they run the risk of being questioned by police. This discourages them. Small group meetings also arouse suspicion. Some Christians are willing to take that risk, however, for the sake of receiving teaching and having fellowship.

There are a number of evangelical churches in Jordan, located mainly in Amman and larger cities. There is a great need for church planting outside of the cities in the rural areas.

The Jordanian Arabs are a ripe harvest field in the Kingdom of God.
Prayer Points

Pray for the work among other unreached peoples living in Jordan – Egyptian and Iraqi Arabs.
Ask God to protect the small number of evangelical believers and help them to grow strong in Him.
Pray that Jordanian Arab Christians would be willing to sacrifice their time, and even their lives, to bring the Gospel to neighboring countries.

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April 27, 2022
