110 Cities

Strategic prayer for a Disciple Making Movement

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17th March KERMANSHAH, Iran

Central Kurd in Iran

The Kurds are a large ethnic group of about 25 million people who have always lived in the same region, and who trace their roots back to the Medes of ancient Persia (the frontier of what is now Iraq, Iran and Turkey) more than 2,500 years ago. In fact, the Magi, or wise men, who traveled from the East to deliver their gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the newborn Jesus in Bethlehem were most likely Zoroastrian priests, ancestors of the modern Kurds. The Kurds are tribal people and many of them lived, until recently, a nomadic lifestyle in the mountainous regions of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. Their refuge has always been the mountains, with their steep pastures and fertile valleys. They are Kurmanji speakers.

Today, Kurds are the largest ethnic group in the world without a state of their own. They are unevenly distributed between Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Armenia and Azerbaijan. If the Middle East map were to be redrawn to give the Kurds their own boundaries, Kurdistan would be as large as France, stretching over 200,000 square miles.

Pray for Jesus Christ to be exalted in this city. Pray for his name be revealed, received and revered amongst every people, tribe and tongue in this city. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come and his will to be done in this city! Matthew 6:9-10, Malachi 1:11, Hab. 2:14, Psalm 22:27
Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom with demonstrations of power and love! Pray for a Christ-exalting house church to be planted for every 1000 people in this city! Luke 10:2, Matthew 16:18, Acts 4:29-31
Pray for the Bible to be translated into the heart language of every people group in this city. 2 Thess 3:1
Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh in this city! Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict of sin and show them their need of a Savior, found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for God the Father to draw all men to Christ through the power of the cross. Pray for God’s kindness to lead all to repentance. Acts 2:17, John 16:8-11, John 6:44, 12:42
Pray for God to forbid, bind and restrain the powers of darkness over this city and loose the power, truth and love of the Holy Spirit upon the peoples of this city. Pray for God to remove the blindness that the enemy has put over the minds of the unbelievers that they will see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ! Matthew 18:18-20, 2 Cor. 4:4-6

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April 27, 2022
