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15th Feb Deaf in Korea, North

Deaf in Korea, North

DeafPhoto Source: Munga Thigani – UnsplashMap Source:  People Group location: IMB. Map geography: ESRI / GMI. Map design: Joshua Project.
People Name:Deaf
Country:Korea, North
10/40 Window:Yes
World Population:49,660,750
Primary Language:Language unknown
Primary Religion:Non-Religious
Christian Adherents:1.48 %
Evangelicals:0.00 %
Online Audio NT:No
Jesus Film:No
Audio Recordings:No
People Cluster:Deaf
Affinity Bloc:Deaf
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Deaf face unique challenges. Because of their inability to hear, their handicap is often mistaken for a lack of intelligence. They need a way to communicate that does not involve sound. For this reason, we put deafness in a different category than any other physical limitation.

What Are Their Lives Like?

A big problem is getting to meet with and diagnosing preschool children who are at home with their families who do not have knowledge of deafness and the help given. North Koreans are making progress in establishing the first kindergarten for the Deaf in Pyongyang. There is a Deaf football team that travels abroad from North Korea. They use North Korean Sign Language, which is like Korean Sign Language. Because of the stigma of being born with a disability, the North Koreans often keep their deaf children at home rather than send them to a special school. Those who attend these schools often learn to be barbers or seamstresses.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Like the rest of North Korean society, the Deaf are taught to revere their dictator. They learn dubious stories that give him god-like status.

What Are Their Needs?

The Deaf in North Korea need to put their dignity and hope in Jesus Christ.

Prayer Points

Pray that life will improve for the Deaf in North Korea. Pray that God will find ways of leading the North Korean Deaf to salvation. Pray that when they travel abroad, Deaf North Korean footballers will be given the gospel message. May they embrace Jesus Christ and lead others to him. Pray for protection for North Korean Christians.

Text Source:   Joshua Project 

Full Joshua Project profile at: www.joshuaproject.net/people_groups/19007/KN

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