110 Cities

Strategic prayer for a Disciple Making Movement

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Prayer Fuel

25th May HOMS (SYRIA) - 110 Cities


Personal revival

Pray for a renewed hunger after God. Ask the Lord to draw you closer to Him and to help you establish a lifestyle of prayer in faith, as well as to grow spiritually in love for the Lord and those around you.

Revival in the Church

Pray for the Church to confess any unwillingness to obey the Lord and seek His face. Ask for a greater humility to turn to the Lord – listening and obeying His voice and His Word (Deuteronomy 8:3). Ask the Holy Spirit to revive the Church with a fresh reverence for God’s Word.

Pray for your city

Organize prayer walks in your city and specifically pray for the staff at police stations, hospitals etc. to experience personal revival.

Pray for an Unreached city in the Middle East: Homs (Syria)

Pray for people in Homs (Syria) to encounter the tenderness and great compassion of the Shepherd, who longs to gather those who are scattered and lost in his arms and carry them close to His heart; for the children, orphans, broken men and women, homeless, elderly, sick and abandoned to experience His care and provision.

Prayer for Israel

Pray for the Father of Glory to pour out the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus. Ask the Father to show them the beauty and glory of Your Son (Eph. 1:17-19).

Simple prayer

Father, help me to love You with all my heart, soul and mind

HOMS (SYRIA) – 110 Cities


Personal revival

Pray for a renewed hunger after God. Ask the Lord to draw you closer to Him and to help you establish a lifestyle of prayer in faith, as well as to grow spiritually in love for the Lord and those around you.

Revival in the Church

Pray for the Church to confess any unwillingness to obey the Lord and seek His face. Ask for a greater humility to turn to the Lord – listening and obeying His voice and His Word (Deuteronomy 8:3). Ask the Holy Spirit to revive the Church with a fresh reverence for God’s Word.

Pray for your city

Organize prayer walks in your city and specifically pray for the staff at police stations, hospitals etc. to experience personal revival.

Pray for an Unreached city in the Middle East: Homs (Syria)

Pray for people in Homs (Syria) to encounter the tenderness and great compassion of the Shepherd, who longs to gather those who are scattered and lost in his arms and carry them close to His heart; for the children, orphans, broken men and women, homeless, elderly, sick and abandoned to experience His care and provision.

Prayer for Israel

Pray for the Father of Glory to pour out the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus. Ask the Father to show them the beauty and glory of Your Son (Eph. 1:17-19).

Simple prayer

Father, help me to love You with all my heart, soul and mind

Praying as a group?

Leading others in prayer is a great step in making disciples. We want to celebrate your and their faithfulness. For each person that prays with you, we will add 15 minutes to the 1855.8 days of prayer committed so far.

How many prayed today (including yourself)?

Prayer Timer

(Prayer time: 15 min)

All Days

Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.

One Miracle Night

April 27, 2022
