Medina is a city in Saudi Arabia. It’s where Islam originated approximately 1,400 years ago, when its founder, Muhammad, declared that no other religion should exist on the Arabian Peninsula and thus established the Muslim community. As a result, Medina is the second holiest city in Islam. Each year around 2 million Muslims pilgrimage to Medina and to Mecca, the holiest city in Islam. More and more Saudis are growing disillusioned with Islam, however, and coming to Jesus through digital media, traveling abroad, and faithful witness within the nation. With the Crown Prince’s push for a modernized Saudi Arabia, an opportunity presents itself for the Saudi church to stand in opposition to Muhammad’s declaration 1,400 years ago, and to capitalize on greater freedom within their nation in claiming their country for the King of Kings.
More and more Saudis are growing disillusioned with Islam
People Group Focus
Najdi Saudi Arab
Bedouin Arab
Southern Yemeni Arab
Many people around the world are praying for God to release his power in 24 Muslim cities where many don’t know about Jesus. Let’s ALL pray that God shows Himself to the lost in signs, wonders, miracles and dreams.
Sign up at the link below to pray as an entire family!
Please protect you children who are risking their lives to tell others about you. Please rescue orphans of war who have lost everything and provide food for children who are starving. May the name of Jesus be lifted up over these cities and may many come to faith in you. Shine Your light in these dark places and let Your kingdom light in these dark places and let Your kingdom come in signs, wonders and power. Amen!
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.