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4th Jan Vietnam

“He has made everything beautiful
in its time. He has also set eternity
in the human heart; yet no one can fathom
what God has done from beginning to end.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV Version)

Vietnam is one of the few communist nations left in the world. Although the economy has integrated capitalistic principles to fuel its growth, the majority of the population still suffer with continued oppression and increasing social problems.

Spiritually the Vietnamese still worship ancestors as well as a spiritual mixture that includes Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. As the country has become more prosperous there is a growing middle class that embraces materialism.

Nevertheless, a growing, witnessing Church is emerging from years of persecution. In both Catholic and Protestant churches there is a growing missionary vision. Significantly, there are 119 different people groups in Vietnam and the churches are ministering to many of these.

The Vietnamese diaspora is seeing many people coming to faith and bringing the Gospel back to Vietnam. Significantly, since they are familiar with the customs and religious traditions of the country, that can convey story of the creator God and His son Jesus by referring to Him as “Ong Troi,” the highest-ranking power who created heaven and earth.
Another positive development in growing Christian church is a discipleship movement among women. This is expanding to many districts and villages.
The Vietnamese diaspora is seeing many people coming to  faith and bringing the Gospel back to Vietnam.

Ways To Pray:
•  Pray for the continued maturing of the Vietnamese church so the Jesus might be known throughout the nation.
•  Pray that Jesus followers will communicate the good news in ways Vietnamese Buddhists can fully understand and embrace.
•  Ask that the people abandon ancestor worship and find the truth in the living God.

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