110 Cities

Strategic prayer for a Disciple Making Movement

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Prayer Fuel

May 16 2022 MEDINA


1. Pray for a Christ-honoring breakthrough and the launching of multiplying house churches in the 24 langauges of this city.
2. Pray for the NT translation in Hijazi Arabic
3. Pray for a mighty movement of prayer to sweep over the house churches. May the church become a house of prayer for all nations
4. Pray for the revelation of Jesus as King to spread into every neighborhood
5. Pray for the Kingdom of God to shatter the darkness and to bring hope to those trapped in darkness

Praying as a group?

Leading others in prayer is a great step in making disciples. We want to celebrate your and their faithfulness. For each person that prays with you, we will add 15 minutes to the 1855.8 days of prayer committed so far.

How many prayed today (including yourself)?

Prayer Timer

(Prayer time: 15 min)

All Days

Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.

One Miracle Night

April 27, 2022
