HOHHOT, China – Pray for missionaries to be raised up and sent to Mongolia to share the gospel.
“And anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Matthew 10:38-39
What does it mean to lose your life in order to find it? This can mean a great many things… but in one very simple way, this verse is speaking about daily prayer. Dying to yourself can mean making God and prayer a priority in your life above other things you would rather be doing. Set aside prayer time every single day and stick with it. You have to believe that it makes a difference in your daily life and in the world around you. Prayer is powerful. It accomplishes things in the earth. This is a promise to us. So take time today to die to yourself and live for Christ… in this simple way.
Disciple’s Prayer for Today:
“Father, I confess that I too often focus on my self and the things in this world that I care about or long for. Please forgive my ever-wandering-heart. Let me focus more and more each day on your kingdom! Bring me into a deeper understanding of why I was created for such a time as this.”
Prayer for the Unreached of the Day:
“Father, I come boldly to stand in the gap for the Mjuniang peoples of China. Remove the blindness from their eyes so they can see Your salvation! Take away the desire in their hearts for evil and set them on a path to find the true living waters of Your Son, Jesus. As Your followers wait in Your presence, send men and women among these people to begin multiplying movements that create more movements for the gospel! In Jesus’ name I ask, Amen.”
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.