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4th September Mogadishu, Somalia

Baloch, Southern in Somalia

Baloch, SouthernPhoto Source: Nasha Ila – Flickr Creative CommonsMap Source:  Ethnic Peoples of Somalia
People Name:Baloch, Southern
10/40 Window:Yes
World Population:1,543,000
Primary Language:Balochi, Southern
Primary Religion:Islam
Christian Adherents:0.40 %
Evangelicals:0.10 %
Scripture:New Testament
Online Audio NT:No
Jesus Film:Yes
Audio Recordings:Yes
People Cluster:Baloch
Affinity Bloc:South Asian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

Their name, “Baloch,” is shrouded in controversy. Some say it means “nomad,” while others claim it is an old Persian word meaning “the cock’s crest.” Their history is just as mysterious. Some have traced their origins to Nimrod, son of Cush (Noah’s grandson). But while some things are uncertain, we know that they first moved to the region in the twelfth century. During the Moghul period, this territory became known as “Balochistan.”The various Baloch groups speak different languages, each with distinguishing characteristics. Their original homeland reaches from eastern Balochistan to southwestern Punjab, which borders India. This high, dry region was once a very populated country, watered by many flowing rivers. Today, it is a barren area of rocky mountains and dry river valleys mixed with desert land.

It is difficult to make a living in that region, so there is a large Baloch diaspora. This diaspora includes India, Sri Lanka, the UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and even Turkmenistan in Central Asia. There are many other countries where the Baloch live as well. The Baloch in Somalia are usually in the capital city of Mogadishu.

What Are Their Lives Like?

There has been a small population of Southern Baloch people in Somalia since the 1960s. They were usually shopkeepers. When the civil war erupted in the early 1990s, many of them fled Somalia and returned to Pakistan, but a small number remain.

Baloch marriages are arranged between the bride’s father and the prospective groom. His family pays a bride price of livestock and cash. Once a woman is married, she passes from the authority of her father to that of her husband. Marriages are monogamous and lifelong, and marrying a non-Baloch is strictly forbidden, though they sometimes make exceptions for the Pathans.

Baluchmayar, or the “Baluchiway,” is the honor code by which the Baloch live. These principles include extending hospitality and mercy, dealing with each other honestly, and offering refuge to strangers. Songs and poetry preserve these virtues. Children learn proper behavior by watching their elders and are taunted whenever they misbehave.

Many Baloch cannot read or write, and until the 20th century, their language was unwritten. However, they have a long tradition of poetic compositions. The Baloch people give high status to poets and professional minstrels.

What Are Their Beliefs?

The Baloch are Sunni Muslims who in theory are part of several “schools.” They identify with Sunni Islam, but for specifics, only the religious intellectuals actually adhere to the schools of Sunni Islam. A typical Baloch is likely to be involved with pre-Islamic practices that involve jinns, the evil eye, etc. They believe it is necessary to appease the spirit world for their practical needs, since Allah is so distant.

What Are Their Needs?

The Baloch need to understand that there is only one way to abundant life and eternal salvation: Jesus Christ.

Prayer Points

Pray for a movement of Jesus to heal and strengthen Baloch communities in Somalia.

Pray for the Baloch people to understand and embrace that Jesus wants to bless their families and neighborhoods.

Pray for Holy Spirit anointed believers from the Baloch people to change their society from within.

Pray for a movement in which the Holy Spirit leads and empowers disciples to make more disciples.

Pray for a “Book of Acts” type of movement to Christ among the Baloch in Somalia.

Text Source:   Joshua Project 

Full Joshua Project profile at: www.joshuaproject.net/people_groups/15034/SO

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