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25th August Niger


One week after the coup in Niger was confirmed and Gen. Abdourahmane Tchianithe declared himself Niger’s new leader, the situation remains tense but hopeful as some concessions have been made.​​​​​​​ There are also concerns about how a call for citizens to mobilise in Niger’s capital will affect Christians.

On 1 August, Tchianithe met with different socioeconomic and religious leaders in Niger at the president’s palace. (Tchianithe is the president of the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Fatherland [CNSP] – the name for the ruling military junta.) These meetings are seen as a positive sign, though no statement about the meetings have yet been made. Other positive developments in the situation also include the opening of certain country borders (land and air) with Algeria, Burkina Faso, Libya, Mali and Chad.

Currently foreign nationals from America and France, among others, are partially being evacuated from the country. Tchianithe has warned against ‘any interference in the internal affairs’ of the country, following condemnation of the coup from the European Union and others.

The coup, as expected, has also had negative implications on the country and its citizens. ECOWAS, a trade group of 15 West African countries, has imposed sanctions. It includes a halt on all commercial transactions with Niger and a freeze on the country’s assets in the regional central bank. According to the country’s power provider, neighbouring Nigeria has cut the electricity supply to Niger.

Citizens asked to mobilise against foreign interference

Meanwhile, according to reporting by the Associated Press, CNSP has joined civil society groups in calling for citizens to mobilise in favour of the ruling junta. They have called for this to take place today (Thursday 3 August) in the capital Niamey, to fight for the country’s freedom and push back against foreign interference.

“We are talking about the immediate departure of all foreign forces,” Mahaman Sanoussi, interim coordinator for the M62 civil society group that’s organising the protest. “[We’ll mobilise] against all forms of threats to continue the struggle for the sovereignty of the people. The dignity of the Nigerien people will be respected by all, without exception.”

Local Christians have asked today for the following prayers from their worldwide church family:

  • Protest or general unrest can create opportunities for attacks on the church and Christian converts. Please pray for the safety of the church and believers who’ve converted from Islam
  • Pray for more opportunities to engage the CNSP in positive dialogue and that Christian and other religious leaders will use their influence wisely and advocate for peace and democracy.

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