110 Cities

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30th July Banjar in Indonesia 

Introduction / History

The Banjar people primarily live in the southern, central, and eastern provinces of Kalimantan, Indonesia. Several thousand speakers of Banjar also live in Malacca and Johor in Malaysia.

The Banjar language is also a regional language in Indonesia. That affects speakers of other languages in the provinces because those other people must learn Banjar in order to buy and sell in the markets. Banjar speech is difficult for other Indonesians to understand because the Banjar speak with a completely different intonation and speed.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Banjarmasin is the heartland of the Banjar language and is also the capital city of South Kalimantan. Since portions of the city are below sea level, the city rises and falls with the tides. Lanting (houses on stilts) line the multiple waterways, which crisscross the city. Taking a small klotok (motorized boat) around the rivers and canals shows a wide variety of activity: people bathing, washing laundry, gossiping and buying fruit, vegetables and fish from female vendors in small canoes. The Banjar people seldom move to other areas of Indonesia. They marry and settle near their parents or other relatives in Kalimantan.

Most find their livelihood through farming or plantation work near the rivers. Trade, transport and mining are also prominent occupations. Many Banjar work in traditional manual sawmills but are reluctant to work in plywood factories because of the unhealthy conditions.

Since the period of Dutch colonialism, the Banjar have looked suspiciously at government schools as attempting to secularize their children. Since independence, they have developed modern Islamic schools claiming identity as government schools.

Prayer Points

Pray that God would raise up at least 1000 intercessors who would sign up to pray daily for the Banjar at pray4thebanjar.com
Pray that God would provide us with more mother-tongue speakers of Banjar to help with the Bible translation project.
Pray that the entire Bible will soon be available in the Banjar language along with scripture apps which can be downloaded and used on cell phones.
Pray for more like-minded ministry partners who understand the value and importance of giving the good news to the Banjar in the Banjar language.
Pray for a movement of multiplying fellowships of believers who worship God in the Banjar language to emerge throughout the Banjar speaking areas of Indonesia and Malaysia.

Praying as a group?

Leading others in prayer is a great step in making disciples. We want to celebrate your and their faithfulness. For each person that prays with you, we will add 15 minutes to the 1862.4 days of prayer committed so far.

How many prayed today (including yourself)?

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(Prayer time: 15 min)

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