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17th June Hajj and Saudi Arabia

  • Muslims understand that there are spiritual battles caused by Satan. Throwing rocks at Satan during the day of stoning is meaningless. The cross and resurrection of Christ defeated Satan. Pray that they will know Christ and the mighty work that He did to defeat Satan.
  • As Muslims circle the Ka’aba and run from hill to hill, pray that they will see the futility of these acts. Pray that they will find the Living Water, Jesus.
  • While there are many symbols and rituals in the Hajj that rest on pagan foundations, there are also some which have been appropriated from the story of Abraham in Genesis. The animal sacrifice made on this day commemorates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son. The Quran has very little to say about Abraham. As the story of Abraham’s animal sacrifice is replayed by millions of Muslims, pray that many will be stirred to seek out more information about the Biblical Abraham and the true meaning of the ram which he sacrificed in place of his son Isaac.
  • A deep awareness of personal sin and the desperate desire to be free from it is a sure sign of the Holy Spirit’s work in a person’s life (John 16). Most are looking for peace through forgiveness, but true and lasting peace comes only through reconciling the broken relationship between God and man. This reconciliation cannot be found in the Hajj, but only in Christ. Pray for Muslims who return from the Hajj to be restless, finding no peace until they find Christ.

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