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2nd May Cairo, Egypt

Eastern Bedawi Bedouin in Egypt

The Bedouin fall into two basic social classes. One class is known as the “true” Bedouin, and they live as nomadic shepherds. The other group has embraced farming and is known as the fellahin. The fellahin lead a more settled life on the edge of the desert. In contrast, the “true” Bedouin have been known for raiding any caravans that cross their path while journeying across barren deserts. They move into the desert during the rainy winter seasons and back to the desert’s edge during the hot, dry summers. They speak Badawi, or as it is more commonly called, Bedouin Arabic.

Islam has greatly influenced the lives of the Bedouin. For example, to preserve their people, the Bedouin are only allowed to marry those inside their own group. Also, the society is patrilineal, which means that inheritances are passed down through the males.

What Are Their Needs?

According to Islamic law, a Muslim who professes faith in Jesus Christ could be put to death. Perhaps this explains why there are so few known Bedouin believers in Israel at the present time.

Evangelization efforts among the Bedouin are challenging due to the harsh and unsettled nature of their lifestyle. Missionaries who are able to endure the severe conditions of the Negev Desert are needed.

Prayer Points

Ask the Lord to call people who are willing to reach out and share the love of Christ with them.
Pray that God will raise up faithful intercessors who will stand in the gap for the Bedouin.
Ask God to strengthen, encourage, and protect the few known Christian Bedouin living in Israel.
Pray that their traditional Muslim culture will soften, creating open doors for the Gospel to be preached among them.
Ask the Holy Spirit to open the hearts of the Bedouin Arabs towards Christians so that they will be receptive to the Gospel.
Ask the Lord to raise up strong local fellowships of believers among the Bedouin.

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