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Strategic prayer for a Disciple Making Movement

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Prayer Fuel

10th March Tehran, Iran

Following a botched 2015 nuclear deal with the U.S., firm sanctions on Iran have weakened their economy and further tainted the public opinion of the only Islamic Theocracy in the world.
As the access to basic necessities and governmental planning worsens, the people of Iran are further disillusioned with the Islamic utopia the government promised.
These are just a few of the many factors that are contributing to Iran hosting the fastest-growing church in the world. Tehran, the capital of Iran and one of the most populous cities on the planet, is the country’s gateway to the world.
Pray for strength and boldness in the launching of God-glorifying house churches in the Gilaki, Mazanderani, and Persian UUPGs
Pray for the SURGE teams as the launch a church planting movement. They need wisdom, courage, and protection.
Pray that believers in government, business, education, and the arts would have influence for the gospel.
Pray for the awakening and strengthening of believers who have been in hiding, and for them to have boldness in sharing their faith.
Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in signs, wonders, and power and for the multiplication of outreach, disciple-making, and church planting in the 31 provinces of Iran.

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Leading others in prayer is a great step in making disciples. We want to celebrate your and their faithfulness. For each person that prays with you, we will add 15 minutes to the 1855.8 days of prayer committed so far.

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(Prayer time: 15 min)

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One Miracle Night

April 27, 2022
