110 Cities

Strategic prayer for a Disciple Making Movement

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6th Feb Vientiane, Laos

Vieniane is a sleepy capital of one million. Modern offices and government instititions are built
around ancient Buddhist temples, shrines and pagodas. Buddhism, mixed with spirit worship (Animism)
is at the heart of city-planning, national holidays, Lao culture and identity. It is said that to be Lao is to be
Buddhist, and vice-versa. This results in blindly following traditions in order to honor family and appease
the spirit world.
The sacred That Luang stupa dates to 1566, and is said to hold a relic of the Buddha. Each year tens of thousands of people celebrate at That Luang stupa for an entire week with processions, incense, candles, and offerings to monks to “make merit” for rebirth into a better, more prosperous life. Lao Buddhists believe that a life of prosperity can only be achieved through the appeasement of spirits or ancestors. Many homes and businesses in Vientiane will have a spirit shelf to bless the property. Taxi drivers will often have an idol or charm on the dashboard of their car (or talisman necklace or tatoo) to keep them safe from accidents and harm.

Many officials are distrustful of Christianity and see it as a foreign religion. Despite religious persecution and a state-controlled media, there is a generation of young people who are discontent with the economic, political, and religious status-quo.
Lao people are genuinely curious about Jesus. A Facebook page run by Lao Christians called “Namthip
Thavone” (Living Water), currently has nearly 170,000 followers where people are openly engaging in
conversations about faith. Christmas time sees thousands of people hearing the Gospel through the
Jesus Film and through the witness of the nearly one hundred house churches throughout Vientiane.
The Lao Evangelical Church is making miraculous strides in training new leaders, releasing them to
baptize, and encouraging them to multiply disciples and churches in the city and beyond.


  • Vientiane City is about 2% Christian (20,000 people) with relative freedom to gather for worship.
    In addition to Government recognized church buildings there is even a church that meets in a
    shopping mall. Pray local believers will successfully raise up leaders and disciples, making use of
    this season of relative freedom.
  • Pray entire families will come to faith and not just individuals. Pray that the Gospel impacts
    entire families and communities as Laos is a family-based society.
  • Pray for unity and love among Christians in Vientiane as they use many methods; testimonies,
    sports, health, education, media, and business to share the Gospel and start churches.

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(Prayer time: 15 min)

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April 27, 2022
