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Strategic prayer for a Disciple Making Movement

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Prayer Fuel

29th June


  • Pray that the Truth will be presented to Saudis through personal witness, satellite programs, and internet sites. Praise God thatSaudi Arabia’s record on religious freedom and human rights is probably the world’s worst. People of faiths other than Islam can live in Saudi Arabia, but they cannot practise their religion openly or even gather privately. Restrictions limit women in driving, voting, work, and their presence outside the home. Authorities watch Christian expatriates all the time, and those caught meeting even in homes can face beatings, prison, expulsion, or even execution. Pray for strength, wisdom, and courage for the community of foreign believers. Pray also for a witness to Christ among all foreign workers, that many might come to Jesus while in this land. a few Saudi believers are doing just this, teaching the Bible in Arabic through YouTube, mobile apps, and websites. Saudis are avid users of the internet and social media. Pray that God will give wisdom to those who run media and internet sites which talk about Christ and the Good News.

Christian expatriates live under strict surveillance; even meeting in homes as a group of believers is forbidden. Those caught can be subjected to humiliating beatings, imprisonment, expulsion and even execution. This is particularly so for Asian Christians who are often the most effective witnesses and whose governments have the least international influence. Sadly, most Christians are nominal and few practice faithfully, although many more would join them were the risks not so great. Pray for encouragement, strength, wisdom and courage for the believing community. There are few opportunities to meaningfully interact with Saudis, and very few expatriates speak Arabic. Pray that other Arabs might gain a burden to reach Saudis.

About 90% of homes have satellite television, an indication of the hunger for what the outside world offers. In this environment, Christian television such as SAT-7, The Bible Channel, al-Hayat, the Miracle Channel and numerous other Christian Arabic- and English-language channels can be used tremendously to bring Saudis to Jesus.

Please Pray

  • Atheism is on the rise throughout the Arab World and Saudi Arabia is no exception. Pray that the Lord would draw to himself those who are disillusioned by religion. Pray that they would surrender their lives to Jesus and enjoy true inner change and fellowship with Him.
  • Pray that Matthew 4:16 “the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned” would come true for Saudi Arabia. Pray that Jesus will appear to them in dreams and visions and that many Christians will come to shine their light in areas where there is no witness now

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