110 Cities

Strategic prayer for a Disciple Making Movement

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6th Tabriz,Iran

Following a botched 2015 nuclear deal with the U.S., firm sanctions on Iran have weakened their economy and further tainted the public opinion of the only Islamic Theocracy in the world. As the access to basic necessities and governmental planning worsens, the people of Iran are further disillusioned with the Islamic utopia the government promised.
These are just a few of the many factors that are contributing to Iran hosting the fastest-growing church in the world. Tabriz is said to derive from tap-riz (“cause heat to flow”), due to the many thermal springs in the area.
As Iran’s fourth-largest city and a major center of production, Tabriz is a hub ripe for burning ones to be trained and sent throughout neighboring cities and countries.

The Azerbaijanis are primarily Shi’ite Muslims, but there are a number of Sunni Muslims as well. Islam among the Azerbaijani is a reflection of the historical ties that exist between Azerbaijan and Iran. Until the twentieth century, most Azeri identified themselves as Muslims rather than Azerbaijani or Turks. They believe that being a “spiritual community of Islam” was much more important than being a nation.

In Azerbaijan, religious practices are less restrictive of women’s activities than in most other Muslim countries. Most women have jobs outside the home, and a few have attained leadership positions. However, some evidence of the traditional, restrictive female role remains.

Prayer Emphasis
Pray for a gospel movement of hundreds of Christ-exalting, multiplying house churches in the 9 languages spoken in this city, especially among the Azerbaijanis and the Persians.
Pray for the gospel SURGE teams as they give up everything to plant churches among these people groups. They especially need wisdom, courage, and protection.
Pray for a mighty movement of prayer to sweep over the house churches.
Pray that the stigmatized, those caught in drug addiction or prostitution, will be set free by the power of the gospel.
Pray for the kingdom to come in signs, wonders, and power through dreams, visions, and the prophetic declarations of God’s people.

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April 27, 2022
