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2nd Jan Mongolia


“Don’t chase after ghost-gods.
There’s nothing to them.
They can’t help you.
They’re nothing but ghost-gods!” 1 Samuel 12:21 (MSG Version) Buddhism is the “official” religion of Mongolia, practiced by nearly 60% of the people. The close connection with Tibetan Buddhism goes back more than 500 years.

The communist invasion of 1939 nearly eradicated Buddhism, destroying temples and killing or isolating monks. As recently as 1990 there was only one monastery in use with just 100 monks (lamas).

The majority of Mongolians live across the border in China. Alcoholism is a persistent problem, as is their status as an ethnic minority not well received by the Chinese. Abuse within families and a high divorce rate add to their sense of isolation.

The majority of Mongolians live across the border in China. Alcoholism is a persistent problem, as is their status as an ethnic minority not well received by the Chinese. Abuse within families and a high divorce rate add to their sense of isolation.
Contemporary religious practice involves worship of idols of Buddha. There is the belief that the more expensive statue you can afford the better the protection and favor you will enjoy. Failure to receive this divine assistance is attributed to the “cheap statue” or a failure to properly perform the annual rituals necessary to ward off evil and bring good luck.

Another characteristic of Mongolian worship is animism. The connection between man and nature is fundamental; trees, mountains, and animals are considered sacred. Burning of incense accompanies this worship. Temples give out “blessed cellophane tape” that is put on car windows to protect against accidents.
The connection between man and nature is fundamental;  trees, mountains, and animals are considered sacred.

Ways To Pray:
•  That the Christian community (3% of the population) will be empowered to share their faith.
•   Pray that educational opportunities will be extended to Mongolian children, and that child labor will be eliminated.
•   Ask for release from alcoholism and the restoration of families
•   Pray for liberation from shamanistic and occult practices

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Leading others in prayer is a great step in making disciples. We want to celebrate your and their faithfulness. For each person that prays with you, we will add 15 minutes to the 1855.8 days of prayer committed so far.

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April 27, 2022
