110 Cities

Strategic prayer for a Disciple Making Movement

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Prayer Fuel

28th December London, UK

Ask God to show you what He sees over the city of London.


Over 250 languages are spoken in London, making the capital the most linguistically diverse city in the world.[1] Pray for prayerful disciple makers to see communities of disciples made amongst each of the people groups living in London. Pray for the 70,000 Bengali population, 45,000 Turks, 43,000 Gujarati speakers and 22,000 in the Punjabi community.

Church planting in a key emphasis of our strategic work in London, but the number of new churches has been low in recent years.  Pray that many more bodies of Christ will be established in London as people are reached and disciples are made.


“Every Believer a Witness” Ask the Lord of the Harvest to shake and awaken the followers of Jesus in the city of London to pray for 5 non-Christian friends daily and be bold in sharing their faith in Jesus and His love with their neighbours.


Pray for the British Sign Language (BSL) Bible Translation Project which aims to translate the Bible into British Sign Language so the UK Deaf community have scripture in their heart language.[2] There are currently two translation teams working to complete the Gospel of Mark. In March 2022 a new team began work on the Book of Genesis.


Set the church on fire with a passion for the lost, the broken, the marginalised, the nations, and peoples and communities who now call London home. May the churches in London be united in the midst of their diversity. May the world know Jesus by the love and friendship demonstrated across the united family of God in London.

We pray not only that every believer would be a witness, but that the Father to do what only He can do—change human hearts.  We are in partnership with Him; we sow, and He causes the growth.  Pray that multitudes of believers in London will cry out to God to work mightily through them as we partner more intimately with the Lord of the Harvest.

5) 2033 Vision

Pray for momentum and urgency to make disciples of all nations by the year of celebration in 2033. 2000 year after Jesus gave the Great Commission, died and rose again to restore us and adopt us as children of God. Pray for the influence from London across the nations of the UK until the ends of the earth. Rejoicing that all the diaspora communities that God has brought to the UK will have the opportunity to hear that God loves them and they can chose to follow Jesus. Pray for digital and media platforms to engage the younger generation with the Good News of Jesus, who will share Jesus love and forgiveness with others.

[1] http://projectbritain.com/regions/languages.htm#:~:text=Over%20250%20languages%20are%20spoken,diverse%20city%20in%20the%20world.

[2] https://bslbible.org.uk/about-the-project/

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April 27, 2022
